Monday, August 10, 2015

New Facebook Groups Are Taking the Industry By Storm

New Facebook Groups Are Taking the Industry By Storm

August 9, 2015
Facebook is no doubt one of the best social media platforms of our time. Last I checked, if Facebook was a country, it would be the 3rd largest country in the world. FB might even be number one now.
Facebook, to some, has actually become an addiction. Many can't put it down. They have Facebook on every web enable device and check it every minute of the day. Some would say that's not a healthy habit. And I would have to agree. I too was caught up in the Facebook trap for a while. I still have to make sure I don't get sucked into the Facebook Scroll. My kryptonite is the silly videos.
If you're looking for a healthy way to use Facebook, there's finally a way to do just that. There's now a very large and growing population who Use Facebook to get fit and healthy.
It does seem kind of odd, turning an online social platform into a virtual gym and group exercise platform. But the fact is, thousands of Fitness Professionals and even Fitness Advocates and Health and Fitness Consultants have figured out a way to gather 5-30+ people in a Private Facebook Groups to encourage their clients, customers and friends to get fit and healthy.
Most people want to take care of their health and fitness. However, many don't know how to properly do so and even if they do, the one thing they are missing is accountability. Almost everyone tells me they need more accountability.
These Private Facebook Group Exercise groups are a great way for people to workout in the privacy of their home to a streaming workout that best fits their individual fitness level. Of course you can also do any other physical activity and check in with your group on a daily basis. Your group leader, usually a coach, will share personalized meal plans, workout ideas, recovery ideas, safety ideas and include the group for open dialog.
I've been leading Facebook health and fitness groups, and Facebook Clean Eating Groups for over two years now. Along with a new healthy lifestyle, participants often build strong bonds and relationships in the 5, 21, 30, 60 and 90 day challenges. This is one of my favorite things about the leading these Facebook health and fitness groups.

How does a Facebook Health and Fitness Challenge Group work?

Here's a great example of how effective and simple it is to set up and use Facebook for health and fitness.
How fun and exciting is that, RIGHT?
Do you know a Beachbody Coach? You do now, I'm a Team Beachbody Coach. I would love to get into my next Facebook Fit and Healthy Accountability Group.
Contact me today - I will help you decide which of our programs is best for you, your lifestyle, fitness level, and budget. We truly have a program for everyone, even diabetics and kids.

How is The Beachbody Challenge philosophy different from The Beachbody Challenge™ contest?

  • The Beachbody Challenge is an overall concept that introduces someone to the Beachbody core purpose: To help people achieve their goals and live healthy, fulfilling lives. The winning formula? Fitness + Nutrition + Support + Rewards = Success.
  • The Beachbody Challenge contest is the “Rewards” piece of the overall Beachbody Challenge philosophy. It’s an incentive to help people reach their goals and achieve success. Contest rewards include an exclusive free t-shirt and the chance to win cash & prizes ranging from a $500 daily prize to the $100,000 Grand Prize.
Coaches and customers are eligible to enter—plus, sponsoring Coaches of contest winners can win anywhere from $500 to $20,000.

What is a Beachbody Facebook Challenge Group?

  • A Coach-led , exclusive group committed to getting healthy where participants agree to do a Beachbody fitness program, drink Shakeology® daily and check in with other participants on a private Facebook® page.
  • People helping and motivating each other to achieve their health and fitness goals by sharing tips, accountability, and results.
  • A team committed to success in The Beachbody Challenge contest.

What benefits will my customers receive from my Facebook Challenge Group?

  • Motivation, inspiration, and comfort in sharing struggles and successes.
  • A new level of accountability to achieve their goals.
  • Access to The Beachbody Challenge contest—where they'll receive an exclusive free t-shirt just for entering their results and the chance to win daily, monthly, quarterly and annual prizes totaling over $1 million a year.

What is a Beachbody Challenge Pack?

  • A comprehensive health and fitness solution that combines Fitness + Nutrition + Support — offering the total package for anyone who wants to achieve their health and fitness goals. Customer Challenge Packs Each customer Challenge Pack includes a choice of one of Beachbody's top-selling fitness programs, as well as your choice of Shakeology* and a 30-day trial to the Team Beachbody Club.

What is  BOD?

BOD stands for Beachbody on Demand. You can stream over $3000 of those famous Beachbody workouts you've seen all over your TV for the last 15 years.
All you have to do is Decide to Commit to a workout program. Contact us to chose your workout and we will put you in a group of other people who will help hold you accountable. We trust you will help encourage others as well. When you encourage others it keeps you accountable. It's kinda crazy how that works out.
Visit to get started today.

Take your Personal and Group Training to the Next Level...

Take your Personal and Group Training to the Next level and offer more value to your client. Very few personal trainers can offer services to 50+ clients let alone hundreds even thousands. Many Team Beachbody Coaches successfully serve hundreds even thousands of clients and customers. This is possible because of the system and network of coaches we have.

Become a Team Beachbody Coach Today - You don't need a certification

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