Friday, July 10, 2015

Real Food Nutrition Related to Natural Whole Food Supplements - A Skeptic’s Response

Real Food Nutrition Related to Natural Whole Food Supplements - A Skeptic’s Response

July 10, 2015

When I was in my teens, playing high school football, I had a strong need to gain weight. I weighed all of 128 pounds, and most of that was my long blond hair. Of course I ate all the time and hit the gym on a regular basis to try to gain some weight so I would not get killed on the football field. Then I bought me a giant tub of Joe Weider’s Whey Protein. It was supposed to add calories to my diet and help me gain lean muscle mass. I did not gain an ounce. Not one ounce.

From that time forward, supplements were not something I would ever consider as part of my diet for any reason. It was not until I was in my early thirties that I was introduced to supplements again.

I started taking these supplements because I became a distributer for the company. Bad idea.

Did you get that? I started selling supplements because I wanted to make money. As far as I was concerned, at the time, I did not care if the supplements did something for me, or anyone else for that matter. I had no health reason to take the supplements, as far as I knew. All I cared about was, I could make a dump truck load of money if I started using this product then shared my experience with others and ask them if they too would like to become a distributor and make their own load of cash.

Those supplements may have improved my health somehow, I can’t be sure. I certainly didn’t get my truckload of money. In fact, I went into massive amounts of debt by purchasing those products. I repeated this behavior several years later with another company. Hey, some of us learn the hard way.

Of course, at that point I knew supplementation had no place in my life. Or so I thought.

Whole and natural foods are most definitely the best way to feed and nourish our body. However, I’ve learned a few things over the years about whole food supplements.

My background has taken me all over the World. In my travels, I have found that not all countries are created equal when it comes to great nutrition. Some are greatly abundant, such as Europe and Asia, while others are scarce, such as certain areas of SE Asia, and Africa.

Nonetheless, every country has large populations that are not getting the proper nutrition required. That is not always due to economic status. It’s mostly due to lack of supply, over cultivation of farmlands and lack of nutritional education.  

My study and personal experience coupled with 25 years in the medical field has shown me that supplements derived from whole food sources are of great value to our overall health.

My personal story is proof of that.

After my over-40 physical my doctor told me I had to do something about my poor cholesterol levels. My good cholesterol was too low and bad was too high.  He wanted to put me on cholesterol medication. I refused because of what I knew about the side effects of those medications (muscle pain do to muscle atrophy etc.). I thought I would just live with it or find a better way.

Ironically enough, a few weeks later a product was introduced to me. The product was a powder form supplement supposedly blended from whole food sources. I was familiar with the product because several of my personal trainers recommended this shake to their clients.

I thought they just wanted more of my money. Besides, I saw no use for it because, as far as I knew, I was perfectly healthy (other than the spare tire that was forming around my midsection) and I was not looking to gain muscle from another protein shake. Remember my last experience?

I reluctantly decided to try the shake for two reasons.

- First, the bag stated this shake would improve my cholesterol. (If that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is.)

- Second, they had a money back guarantee. I could get 100% of my money back even after using the entire bag. I completely expected to get my money back.

So I drank the shake every single morning for 28 days. On that 28th day, I had my lipids tested again. I wanted to see if this stuff did anything at all for my cholesterol.

My doctor looked at my results and called me to his office. He wanted to know how and where I got ahold of prescription cholesterol medication. He said it is simply unheard of that anyone could improve his cholesterol in such a short period of time. My results were perfect for my age and gender.

Here’s even more great news about this supplement; it greatly reduced my chronic joint pain, which increased my range of motion, gave me more energy and endurance, and much more, without the need of medications or surgery.

The same shake took my wife from being pre-diabetic to showing no signs of diabetes at all in about 2 months.

Over the last three years I have shared this shake with people (or have met people using the shake) diagnosed with everything from fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other chronic degenerative diseases. Many of them were able to get off pain medications, high BP meds, sleep apnea machines, prostate cancer etc. after just 2 weeks - 2 months.

DISCLAIMER: No one can actually claim that this product or any like it is the cure for any of the above mentioned medical issues and diseases. I can simply say, adding this shake to our meal plan is the only thing myself and others changed in our lives during the time period mentioned.

Closing this up…

The fact is your body needs real healthy solid food. However, I’ve found most people really don’t know what’s healthy for them. There are many so-called health foods on the marketing, other than those that grow from the earth. However, if you were to make a habit of looking at labels, as I do, you will see that most “health foods” are not as healthy as the commercials imply.

So what about natural foods? What if you just stick to vegies and fruits?

That’s a great plan and you should. However, many foods we consume are full of pesticides and the soil is depleted of nutrients it contained 20 years ago.

Many people will not follow a strict healthy meal plan for very long, because it’s either too expensive or takes too much effort to prepare.

Most people are looking for a quick meal. Which is why they end up at their local fast food joint.

This shake I’m going to share with you is very quick and easy to prepare and actually trains the body to recognize and crave good nutrition. I would not have believed it had I not experienced it myself. And I certainly would not be sharing this with you unless I was motivated by anything other than improving your health. I did finally learn my lesson on that.

Shakeology has all natural ingredients, many of which you could never get your hands on, unless you’re a world traveler. Even then, you would not know how to properly prepare them and mix them into a tasty meal.

Rather your goal is to lose weight, improve your health, and/or change your poor eating habits, I suggest you give this shake a try.

This shake is a tool, the best tool I've found, to help us take control of our health.

You can even receive the same 100% money back guarantee I did. Give it 30 days to see the difference in your health and in your life.

Get more information and access to this great product today.

And make sure you share this blog post with those you love.

Your Health and Fitness Coach,

Wally Carmichael

Feel Free to contact me.

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